The Global 30 Under 30 List 2021

In its inaugural year, the Significant Insights 30 Under 30 initiative celebrates the rising stars of the insights world. Our global panel of judges reviewed close to 100 nominations from 16 countries looking for those that not only stand out in their day-to-day roles, but who have made a contribution and an impact to the wider industry, and/or through their use of data and insights to help accelerate positive change in the world.
Canadian judge Annie Pettit commented; “I was so impressed with this year’s nominations. Our young people are committed not only to their companies, but also to the research and analytics industry, their colleagues, and their communities. Their dedication to learning and supporting others will serve them, and everyone, very well.”
The annual Significant Insights Global 30 Under 30 List aims to recognise the research and insight industry’s exceptional young talent; showcase their achievements and reward their drive, creativity and passion. All of this, making them ‘the ones to watch’ within the global research and insights industry.
Vanessa Oshima, from Japan, who also helped judge the entries commented and spoke of her excitement for future years: “I am excited for the future as I received a small glimpse of the potential and passion that is developing and stepping into leading our rapidly changing industry. Judging was not easy – so many great things happening! I thank those that had the courage to share their work and congratulate our first 30 under 30. I imagine that this year’s inaugural nominees were just the visible tip of the iceberg and I can’t wait to see more in year 2 of the 30 under 30.”
Nigerian judge, Seyi Adeoye, congratulated all the winners; “Truly amazed at the brilliance of talents doing amazing things all over the world that got nominated for the inaugural 30 under 30 list. Congratulations to all winners and thanks to Significant Insights Media for this impact driven initiative.”
Meet the inaugural 30 under 30:

The global judging panel was so impressed with the nominations that they also awarded a further ten with a Highly Commended status. While they don’t make the final list of 30, they were none the less, right up there.
Wiepke van der Wal, judging from The Netherlands concluded: “Seeing all the amazing talent from around the globe, makes me humble and proud to be part of this initiative. I’m more confident than ever before that with this next generation of insights leaders, our industry is in great hands. Praise for all the candidates and a big applause for all our 30 superstars.“
With huge thanks to the global Judging Panel
- Anije Lambert (Guyana)
- Annie Pettit (Canada)
- Bob Qureshi (UK) (Co-Chair)
- Dali Tembo (South Africa)
- James Endersby (UK)
- Leonid Voronin (Russia)
- Manvi Hooda (India)
- Michelle Gansle (USA) (Co-Chair)
- Rachel Hawley (USA)
- Seyi Adeoye (Nigeria)
- Sue York (Australia)
- Tom Savigar (Norway)
- Vanessa Oshima (Japan)
- Wiepke van der Wal (Netherlands)
What were the Entry Requirements?
The Significant Insights Global 30 Under 30 seeks out the insight leaders, innovators, creators and thinkers, under 30 years of age, who are making big strides in the world of insights. This could be reflected in their day-to-day work for clients and/or stakeholders, or the influence and impact they have made at their organisation, and/or the wider research and insights industry, or through their use of data and insights to help accelerate positive change in the world.
And they/you simply had to be a member of the global research and insights community and 29 or younger on November 30th, 2021.