About Us

Significant Insights

Significant Insights is a global content platform for the market research, data, analytics and insights industry, and is on a mission to make our sector more accessible by bringing our incredible people, their journeys, lessons, tips and inspiring stories to life.

Significant Insights wants to help younger researchers develop their careers and open up the industry to all backgrounds, making our sector a first choice destination career.

In short, the platform simply exists to profile and give a voice to senior researchers, and younger researchers on their way up, and to provide a channel for them impart their wisdom, so that new researchers, and those outside our industry can learn, grow, develop and find their ways to the top.

Significant Insights Founder James Endersby, CEO of Opinium: “By creating a global platform where our young researchers from all backgrounds, those on their way up, and bright minds from outside the sector, are able to access the secrets to success currently bottled up inside the minds of our colleagues around the world, Significant Insights, is, I hope, creating a way for them to learn, grow, develop and find their way to the top.”

Kristin Luck, founder of Women in Research (WIRe) said: “Women In Research is thrilled to partner with Significant Insights. As we look to inspire the next generation of researchers, ensuring we have an industry that is accessible and equitable to all is paramount to the relevance and long term growth of the marketing research industry”

Bob Qureshi, co-founder of Colour of Research, said: “What an incredible resource for younger researchers, those from all backgrounds, and those outside of our industry. We need to appeal to a diverse stream of bright young minds and make success in our sector accessible to all backgrounds. Significant Insights will give us all a platform to share our career journeys, how we navigated the ups and downs, and help others find their way to the top.”

Jane Frost, CEO MRS: “The first part of creating change is being seen. Significant Insights provides a wonderful platform for improving the visibility of potential role models , and for providing the life and career lessons to more junior people to help them navigate their careers . I really hope  people will give up some time to provide this resource- I would have loved to have had access to the experience of someone like the incomparable Liz Nelson FMRS when I was making my early mistakes!”