Meet the next generation of global insight leaders.
The Significant Insights Global 30 Under 30 initiative celebrates the rising stars of the research and insights world. Our experienced panel of judges reviewed close to 100 nominations from 16 countries looking for those that not only stand out in their day-to-day roles, but who have made a contribution and an impact to the wider industry, and/or through their use of data and insights to help accelerate positive change in the world.


Aadit Shah

Alexandra Baines

Ande Gilmartin

Anusha Jain

Ashima Maheshwari

Beatriz Molina Sanchez

Brina Seidel

Caroline Chu

Charlie Butler

Fabian Gruß

Frankie Lipinski

George Teslovich

Gram Bowsher

Jack Kurzu

Joanna Oduguwa

Katie Egge

LaShanda Seaman

Laura Lum

Lauren Williamson

Melissa Hamdoun

Molly Strawn

Patrick Duenzinger

Sophia Valenti

Tas Dalal

Toni Cundy